Rabu, 06 Januari 2021

Nature Photography Exhibition

This is my favorite place in school. I took this photo when the flag ceremony was going to be held every Monday. When i saw the beautiful sun shining on the trees, I immediately took my cellphone and took a photo. The photos of the trees calmed my eyes a little. I really like that.

Name: Nadia Ananda Dewi Suwaidah
Class: XI Social 2
Absen: 15

Senin, 26 Oktober 2020

SOS4LOVE Project Final Report

SOS4Love Project
Final Report
Please complete & email to info@sos4loveproject.com
during the 4th Week Report, 28th  to 31st th of October 2019 
School/Country: SMAN 1 Purwosari/Pasuruan
Teacher/Facilitator: Name & Last Name-Subject taught in class: Mrs. Diana & English

1) Please provide answers to the following questions: 
a) Define the CHALLENGE/problem that inspires/inspired your heart to take action and explain why it inspires/inspired you. 
b) What is the specific SDG or SDGs (it can be one or more ) that you support and is connected with your Action?
Be sure to describe: 
   your IDEA (how you think you can or have already contributed to the SOLUTION of the     challenge/problem? 
   the STEPS (what actions you will take or have taken to turn your idea into positive ACTION)
   the DIFFICULTIES (the specific challenges you may face or have anticipated and how you have or plan to overcome them) 

a) To be honest, the problem that inspires me personally is when I see a lot of people from young to old have to experience what is called "hunger" which is enough to hit my heart. Therefore, the first step I can take is to support SDGs programs, one of which is zero hunger, where we can provide food assistance to someone in need.
b) One of the SDGs projects that are related to my current action is zero hunger.

2). Share the results of your SOS4Love project 
Yesterday my mother and I made food to share. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
3) Share your feelings and reflections on your experience throughout the SOS4Love project.
Of course I feel very happy. I really feel happy when I can help them. That sense of humanity began to grow and develop in myself and my heart.

Thank you for Acting 4Love World-Changers! Looking forward to seeing you next school year in the SOS4Love Project again, to Keep Changing the World Together with #Pedagogy4Love!





Week Report 4

Week Report 4 

Quick Tip: 
a. In my city, there are a lot of children who grow up on the streets. They do not have proper housing and clothing. But not only children, adults also dominate.
b. I want to eliminate the word "hunger" in our city. I want to create a nation that has sufficient nutrition. Besides that, I also want to help the elderly on the streets so that they can enjoy their old age in a more proper condition. Our support for SOLUSI is described in the following steps:
  Step 1. Start gathering friends to participate to distribute food.

  Step 2. After friends are ready, we start preparing the food ingredients that we will cook.

  Step 3. Then we start cooking in large quantities so that we can also share in larger quantities.

  Step 4. Then when the food is ready, we all start taking to the streets.

  Step 5. As we took to the streets, we began to split up to distribute food, so that all could have it.

DIFFICULTIES: The difficulty we have is when we shop for groceries but the capacity at the shop is limited. So we had to go to a store that was bigger and of course covering a lot longer. Limited time availability is also a challenge in itself for us.

RESULTS: We managed to help parents to children on the streets who were starving. We also managed to train our own humanity to grow and develop. We've also been successful enough to build a sense of solidarity between friends.

REFLECTIONS: We feel very happy when we can help friends who really need our help. To our great relief, they accepted our help without being offended. We hope that what we do can be an inspiration for others to continue to do good in the future. KEEP SPIRIT. Because we all know in heart, That Only Love can Change The World.

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2020


Zero hunger is a state where a country is without hunger. 

Zero hunger was created of course to eradicate hunger experienced by a country. 

I am Nadia Ananda Dewi Suwaidah. Will give a small description of the sentence in my photo. 
"By having a human spirit and a high sense of solidarity, of course the community can create a better economic change. 

The point is that every human being must have a human attitude. What is humanity? The human attitude is a universal attitude in which every human being upholds the essence of each other human. 

Protect, protect, and treat each other human beings in accordance with human nature. 

If we have a human attitude, of course when we see other humans who are starving, we will automatically help. If we help each other, the hunger problem will automatically decrease or even disappear. 
Therefore, from now on, let us cultivate high social care souls. Working together to eradicate poverty in our country, we also unite to improve the welfare of those in need. 

Besides that, SDGs have a principle, namely "Leave No One Behind" which means that SDGs want to change the world without exception in order to end poverty, reduce inequality, as well as protect the environment.

It is also related that because of the Covid-19 pandemic, it is hoped that we will be able to progress together to achieve the SDGs target. The SDGs have new goals for the Covid-19 pandemic, one of which is the ICT infrastructure that needs to be optimized, and the expansion of internet technology for poor and vulnerable families.

Therefore, let's build enthusiasm again to help the SDGs achieve the target of a decent life for the whole world.


Kamis, 27 Agustus 2020

Personal Letter For My Friend

Hello there!
My name is Nadia Ananda Dewi Suwaidah. Im from East Java, Indonesia.
I have a personal letter for my friend.
Thank you if you have taken the time to read my personal letter😄

Minggu, 17 Mei 2020

My First Video on YouTube

i have my first video on YouTube. my video tells a story about my ramadhan activities with my family. when i make this video, i was helped by my sister. let's checkkkk on YouTube guise!

Sabtu, 02 Mei 2020

Tujuan Hidup

Kehidupan manusia pasti tidak akan terlepas dengan yang namanya tujuan hidup. Sangat tidak mungkin apabila kita hidup, namun tak memiliki tujuan hidup. Lalu apakah tujuan hidup itu?

Tujuan hidup bukanlah arti dalam kemewahan, keglamoran, kesenangan belaka. Namun tujuan hidup adalah fase dimana kita harus dipaksa bekerja keras demi mencapai titik puncak yang kita inginkan baik untuk dunia maupun untuk akhirat. 

Pilihlah lingkungan terbaik bagi pengembangan anda menuju tujuan-tujuan anda. Analisalah hidup anda melalui lingkaran anda. Apakah hal-hal di sekitar anda membantu anda menuju sukses atau malah menahan anda? Jadi, lingkungan memiliki peranan yang besar bagi manusia termasuk menyangkut tujuan hidupnya.

Setiap orang yang ingin mencapai tujuan hidupnya harus terlebih dahulu memiliki plan untuk kedepannya. Harus memiliki rencana yang sedikit demi sedikit mulai dikembangkan hingga menjadi sesuatu yang berguna esok harinya.

Dalam menjalani kehidupan ini, selalu fokuslah dalam mencapai tujuan hidup. Akan tetapi, ikuti alur yang terjadi dalam hidup ini, seperti saat anda merasa bersedih ataupun menjadi bahagia. Setegar apapun seseorang, pasti membutuhkan waktu untuk menangis ketika merasa bersedih. Ketika Anda sudah merasa baik-baik saja, Anda bisa kembali fokus pada tujuan hidup. Dengan cara ini kamu akan merasa lebih mudah dalam mencapai kebahagiaan dari tujuan hidup yang telah berhasil dicapai.

Percayalah, usaha tidak akan mengkhianati hasil dalam usaha untuk mencapai tujuan hidup ini.